Bye Bye Biodiversity

Exposing the Big Game

I’ve said it before and I’ll probably say it again, you can’t really be a wolf advocate or an elk advocate, or any kind of advocate for the environment, and continue to eat beef. That message was driven home by a new Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Department elk “management” proposal which includes reducing the numbers of not only elk, but also of wolves (who, logically, could have done some of the “management” for them) near Yellowstone National Park, all in the name of safeguarding cattle from the negligible threat of brucellosis—a disease which, in the past hundred years, has come full circle from livestock to wildlife and now back to livestock.

So far, it’s been the bison migrating out of Yellowstone during hard winters who have suffered the brunt of the rancher’s brucellosis paranoia. “Solutions” have included “hazing” bison back into the park and creating holding areas outside the park to warehouse bison…

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Urgent: Helpers Against Killing of Deer in Washington, DC Needed

Alexandra´s Animal Awareness Blog

Bildschirmfoto 2014-12-16 um 15.50.14

The shooters come at night, killing a many deer as they can. Even though it has been proven that there are more humane ways of animal control the brutal medieval methods remain in place. In the middle of the capitol of the United States hunters may use their deadly weapons.

If you live in the area please help:

“Sadly, the killing of the Rock Creek Park deer has started.  We must show the public, the courts, and the executive and legislative authorities that we do not accept the slaughter the park has been carrying out on our deer.

We have already been out protesting on an emergency basis (when our surveillance team finds they are setting up to shoot deer) , and that will continue.  But we also want to hold scheduled daytime rallies.  I am getting ready to schedule the first one and would like your help with it. …

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