Why beef is the new SUV

Exposing the Big Game

The word sickening just dropped out of my mouth, involuntarily…Then I puked!


CNN columnist John D. Sutter is reporting on a tiny number — 2 degrees — that may have a huge effect on the future. He’d like your help. Subscribe to the “2 degrees” newsletter or follow him on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. He’s jdsutter on Snapchat.

Lexington, Texas (CNN)This is the story of a giant pile of beef.

Well, 1.27 pounds (0.58 kilos) of brisket, to be exact.

But before I get into the business of explaining where this meat came from, and why eating this stuff has a massive, unexpected effect on climate change, I feel the need to confess something: That huge slab of brisket, which came to me by way of Snow’s BBQ, a delightful shack of a place out here in the heart of…

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Millions of Chickens, Turkeys & Ducks were Suffocated to Death (Source: Free From Harm)

Time to Spread the Joy

chicken_gas_chamber450 copy

Between December 2014 and June 2015, more than 33 million chickens, turkeys and ducks were suffocated to death with firefighting foam and carbon dioxide in the Midwestern states of Iowa, Minnesota and elsewhere in the United States in response to the avian influenza outbreaks that began on poultry farms in 2014.[1] Since June, the number of birds exterminated has grown by many millions more in the U.S. and globally. The concentration of billions of highly stressed, immuno-compromised birds living in filth, misery and fear across the Earth guarantees that avian influenza outbreaks and epidemics will continue to occur.[2]

In addition to using firefighting foam and carbon dioxide to exterminate poultry flocks, the U.S. Department of Agriculture supports exterminating them by shutting off the ventilation in the houses and letting the birds bake to death – a process that can take anywhere from half an hour to 3 or more hours for every bird to die. Shutting off the ventilation in the computer-controlled houses is the cheapest method of extermination. Neither gas nor foam is needed.[3]

Shooting hoses filled with carbon dioxide into the confinement houses, metal boxes and “kill carts” causes the birds to burn, freeze, and suffocate to death simultaneously – and slowly. This is the egg industry’s main method of exterminating “spent” hens, whether from battery cages or cage-free confinement operations, with or without bird flu.[4]

As for fire-fighting foam, which the U.S. Department of Agriculture approved in 2006, contrary to the lie that the birds are dead within a minute of being blanketed under the foam, Bruce Webster of The University of Georgia told a USDA meeting in June 2006, “You saw a lot of escape behavior for 4-6 minutes. You saw the birds’ heads sticking out of the foam.” Eventually, their movements ceased, as the birds were “worn out” with their “volitional struggle,” Webster told attendees including UPC president Karen Davis at the meeting.[5]

In a firefighting foam trial with turkeys, birds were reported flapping under the foam for up to 6 minutes. This does not mean that the turkeys were unconscious or dead when the flapping stopped or appeared to stop. And foam-covered birds cannot vocalize their suffering. They cannot be seen or heard. Necropsies showed hemorrhages in the tracheas of birds who died under the foam, and “occlusion of the trachea by the foam” was cited by Ruth Newberry of Washington State University as “a serious welfare concern.”[6]

– See more at: http://freefromharm.org/farm-animal-welfare/birds/#sthash.gBHhq7Vn.dpuf

Bianca Jagger | President Obama’s Gravest Error: Trusting Shell to Drill in the Arctic

Exposing the Big Game

Tuesday, 15 September 2015 00:00

Written by
Bianca Jagger By Bianca Jagger, Truthout | Op-Ed

President Obama is the first incumbent US president to cross the Arctic Circle. The purpose of his expedition was to “witness first-hand the impact of climate change on the region” and to announce new measures to address it. Speaking at the Glacier climate summit in Anchorage, Alaska, Obama recognized the role of the United States “in creating this problem.” He also stated, “we embrace our responsibility to help solve it” because failure to do so will “condemn our children to a planet beyond their capacity to repair.” Yet less than one month ago, his administration gave the green light to Shell to drill for oil in the Arctic.

President Obama must know that it is impossible to protect the Arctic while allowing Shell to drill for oil 70 miles off the coast…

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Reblog from Free From Harm: “They Are All Cecil”

Courtesy of Warrior of Light Facebook page

Cecil reveals our glaring moral inconsistencies

Few issues cause more discomfort and hostility than openly questioning the practice of breeding, feeding, watering, and slaughtering tens of billions of sentient animals annually, which we do today in the total absence of necessity.

I want to be liked as much as the next gal, so when posting on my personal social media accounts, I try not to alienate myself from friends and family, the majority of whom love animals — or at least wouldn’t intentionally hurt one — but who have not (yet!) peeled back the layers that normalize the pervasive atrocities of animal agriculture affecting animals, people, and planet. For better or worse, I mostly compartmentalize these issues for discussions with like-minded folks. I’m working on that.

But the public’s justifiably outraged reaction to a lion named Cecil being killed by a hunter who paid $50,000 to do so makes it difficult to remain silent about the glaring moral inconsistencies that recently plastered many Facebook feeds.

Animal Rights BC (Before Cecil)

Here’s the deal. A man paid someone to allow him to kill an animal for pleasure.

Most people, on the other hand, pay people to kill animals for them, also for their pleasure.

Yes, in our society today, we eat animals for pleasure, not necessity. More on that in a minute.

It’s a wonderful thing when people speak up for human rights concerning specific races, genders, or sexualities. Most likely, someone who does so is not then proceeding to intentionally exploit humans outside of the group they’re defending at that particular moment. That would just be ridiculous and incredibly hypocritical. Can you imagine, for example, someone with a rainbow profile picture enthusiastically posting a racist photo?

Yet when most people speak up for the rights of certain animals — often dogs, particularly those left in hot cars — they then turn around and proceed to intentionally exploit animals outside of the group they’re defending at that moment, particularly those species they’ve been hypnotized by society to assign little to no moral consideration. This is equally ridiculous and hypocritical as the above example.

Courtesy of Brain on Hugs

For example, over the past few week, I have seen people expressing their outrage over the intentional killing of a defenseless lion hours later posting a photo of themselves chowing down on the body of an intentionally killed, defenseless cow.

What we call a cheeseburger is actually totally vulnerable, sentient, heartbreakingly docile bovines (usually hundreds of them per patty!) whose ground-up remains are so casually consumed, covered in the congealed mammary secretions of their own species, whose formula-fed offspring likely lived out their unimaginable weeks on this Earth alone and imprisoned in a veal crate.

Amongst my many online vegan acquaintances brave enough to point out this glaring cognitive disconnect on social media, I’m seeing two common, knee-jerk reactions from their typically infuriated and offended non-veg friends:

1. It’s perfectly okay to kill (certain) animals that are plentiful, but not those that are endangered.

This would mean that animals have the right to exist, but not to live.

2. It’s okay to kill (certain) animals as long as their bodies are used in some way, especially for (unnecessary) food.

This is saying it’s not okay to kill or use just any animal for food, just certain species as dictated by society. After all, most Westerners would be horrified if someone slaughtered a local unwanted shelter dog to barbecue, defending it by saying

– See more at: http://freefromharm.org/animal-products-and-culture/they-are-all-cecil/#sthash.eBMVCwIX.dpuf

Dr. Palmer Should Die

Exposing the Big Game

For the crimes he committed against Cecil the half-tame Lion—luring, baiting, impaling and pursuing him for 40 long hours. For being a sadistic, narcissistic, psychopathic bow-hunter willing to put another sentient animal through sheer hell for a trophy, Walter Palmer DDS should die. And his accomplices—the guides, along with whoever shot another lion today–should join him on the gallows.

They should all be dragged into a court of law and sentenced to death ASAP. But unfortunately, that won’t happen. Walter Palmer and his ilk, his cohorts in crime, will probably live out their long lives and get off with a slap on the wrist; a fine, a public service sentence and possibly have their hunting licenses revoked for a while.

Why? Because they’re human beings—the most sacred of God’s creatures; the pinnacles of evolution and the reason it’s all here (sarcasm intended)—and a lion is just a lion. An animal: ours to…

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Horse Racing Protest Today at Saratoga

Tuesday's Horse

Horse Racing. You Bet, They Die Poster. Tuesday's Horse. Horse Racing. You Bet, They Die Poster. Tuesday’s Horse.


Sorry for the late notice but we were just notified about this. Details below. Then below that, protests in the planning stages.


• July 25, 2015
• 11:00 am to 2:00 pm
• Saratoga Race Course
267 Union Ave, Saratoga Springs, New York 12866

Corner of Union Ave and East Ave (across from the main entrance)

Signs and leaflets will be provided. Homemade signs make a big impact as well.

See Facebook Events Page https://www.facebook.com/events/1453683188260142

Can’t be there? Visit Saratoga’s Facebook page and make a statement.


Del Mar Racetrack, Del Mar, California — July
Breeders’ Cup, Keeneland, Lexington, Kentucky — August

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Some Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me When I Was New to Activism

Exposing the Big Game


FROM  All-Creatures.org

by Veda Stram
July 2015

Some things I wish someone had told me when I was new to activism. And some things I have learned the hard way and some things other activists have told me have helped their activism. And some questions I have found it useful to reconsider from time to time. Imagine a bowl of cherries. This is not about the cherries/animal activism in the bowl, but rather it’s about the bowl where all the cherries/animal activism live.

Please consider the below …and reconsider from time to time……


It is a truly, amazing wonderful commitment to be an animal rights activist. It is truly something to be proud of. It can give you a life worth living.

Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of committed individuals can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has.” As committed…

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Go Vegan or Die

Exposing the Big Game


On the tip of one my K2 Apache Outlaw skis is a sticker of a skull and crossbones with the shocking statement, “Go Vegan or Die.” That sentiment might seem mean-spirited unless taken as fair warning about the very real health risks associated with eating meat—such as the greatly increased risk of cancer.

Like the anti-smoking campaign slogan, “Quit Smoking or Die,” “Go Vegan or Die” is simply good advice for people seeking longevity. (Stone-age meat-eaters seldom lived past 30, after all.)

There’s also a less-charitable motive for the slogan on the sticker. Anybody who has been the victim of thoughtless mockery from a meat-eater for the selfless act of eschewing animal flesh would be tempted to use the slogan, “Go Vegan or Die,” as would anyone frustrated by the results of their futile attempts to help others see that animal slaughter is cruelty and humans can live quite happily on…

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Frigid Temps Mean Added Suffering for Outdoor Dogs

Humane PA

Amy Worden writes the Philly Dawg blog for The Philadelphia Inquirer. With her permission, we are reposting her excellent blog Frigid Temps Mean Added Suffering for Outdoor Dogs.  

Photo: Dogs Deserve Better Photo: Dogs Deserve Better

When I woke up this morning the temperature on my iPhone read 3 degrees and the windows rattling in my old farmhouse told me the wind was likely making it feel even colder.

My Jack Russell terrier mix Olivia was curled at my feet on the quilt.

Thousands of dogs in Pennsylvania are not so lucky this morning.

With the exception of a handful of municipalities (including Philadelphia) it is legal to leave your dog outside in extreme temperatures.  He need only be provided with loosely defined as “shelter.” Animal welfare advocates and humane society police officers have gone to court over what constitutes “shelter,” sadly often losing because the law is so vague.

Neither do most licensed kennel…

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Pablo’s Gift

Our Compass

Wikimedia Commons Wikimedia Commons

SourcePeaceful Prairie Sanctuary

“What is vegan?”, he asked after a long pause.

He was calling the sanctuary hoping to find a home for the chickens he had been ordered to dump in the woods. The birds were deemed “too old for the pot”, too “stupid” to keep as pets, and too “ugly” to use as yard decoration, so the ranch owner decided to use them as coyote bait instead.

It was not something Pablo wanted to do but he feared that openly refusing to harm the chickens would not only jeopardize his already tenuous job as a handyman at the ranch where he worked in exchange for a room to crash in and a meager pay to live on, but it would also prevent him from finding a way to protect the birds. So he kept putting off the grim task, using every excuse he could think…

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The Human Victims of Factory Farming | One Green Planet

Life or Lunch?

farm-cow-1200x800There have been many undercover investigations into factory farming over the years, many of which expose the inhumane conditions in which animals are forced to live on these farms. Through these investigations, we’ve discovered that life for the billions of animals living in factory farms is an absolute hell. In these facilities, animals spend their short lives crammed on top of one another in filthy living quarters, they are given no access to sunlight or the outdoors and suffer from painful body deformities, stress and disease.

The experience of the animals living and dying in factory farms is cruel torture, but the animals aren’t the only ones subjected to cruelty. People are also impacted by industrial animal agriculture. 

Working on a Factory Farm

A job at a factory farm has one of the largest turnover rates in America, exceeding 95 to 100 percent annually, despite employing more…

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Matthew McConaughey’s Canned Hunt Operation

Exposing the Big Game


February 4, 2015 by Donny Moss

After TheirTurn’s story about Matthew McConaughey’s hunting business went viral, TMZ, the celebrity gossip website with millions of subscribers, published a story about peoples’ outrage: “Matthew McConaughey Ranch Draws Fire Over Trapped Deer Kills.”


TMZ spoke to McConaughey’s nephew Madison, who runs the ranch:

“We reached out to Matt’s rep … so far no word back. But the actor’s nephew, Madison McConaughey — the ranch cattle manager — tells TMZ they’ve had death threats from people who don’t understand the nature of what they do. He says, ‘People are disgusted with us but we’re disgusted with them.’ Madison adds, people who come there do so for the ‘hunting experience’ and he says ‘We’re proud of what we do.’

The TMZ story has been updated with a video interview with Madison McConaughey.

In canned hunts, animals are confined to a fenced in area with no way…

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7 Disasters That Would Cause The End Of The World As We Know It


Image source: Dailymail

By  Rich M Off The Grid News

Television has unwittingly given a false view of survivalists and preppers to the world. In the show Doomsday Preppers, each of the people on the show was only concerned about one possible catastrophe.

Not only that, but some of the catastrophes that they are focused on are not very likely to occur. That’s not to say that the catastrophes mentioned in the show are all made up for show business. A number of them are very real possibilities, and perhaps some of the greatest risks that we face today. In many cases, those events would spell The End Of The World As We Know It (TEOTWAWKI).

A TEOTWAWKI event isn’t the end of the world; it’s just the end of the lifestyle that we’ve known. It will be serious enough that we’ll have to make some major changes to the way…

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England: In Memory of Jill Phipps – Who Died Fighting Live Animal Exports From Coventry, 1995.

Serbian Animals Voice (SAV)






Jill Phipps (15 January 1964 — 1 February 1995) was a Britishanimal rightsactivist who was crushed to death in Baginton, Warwickshire, England by a lorry transporting live veal calves heading for continental Europe via Coventry Airport.

See Jill’s film here – we start with part 4, the final part – which involves the actions at Coventry airport – fighting live exports – and the death of Jill on 1st February 1995.


It has taken some 20 years since her death, but there are currently NO live animal exports from the UK to Europe.  They may return, but when they do, campaigners on the English SE coastal ports will be ready to take action.

16 2 5

See Jill’s film (4 Parts) – Note that this film is now several years old, and many issues have changed; some for the better, some are still as…

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36 Baby Elephants Kidnapped from Mothers to be SOLD TO CIRCUSES AND ZOOS in Zimbabwe!!!



(Photo credit Rainforest Rescue)

This news just broke my heart today.  It seems that 36 baby elephants, aged 2.5 to 5 years, were ripped away from their mothers in the Hwange National Park for sale to private zoos and circuses abroad.  I can’t think of anything more traumatic and horrifying for those little creatures (and their mothers), except maybe witnessing the murder of their mothers by poachers, which occurs with wonton abandon in Zimbabwe.

To wit:


In the words of Rainforest Rescue:

Their chances of survival without their mothers are very slim.

Please sign and share this petition.


Also, write to the Zimbabwe Embassy in Washington, D.C.


Hell, I even wrote to the government minister that this petition is addressed to, via his LinkedIn Profile:


I also wrote on his Facebook wall:


Shit, why not on Twitter too:


I’m fucking hopping mad, angry, sickened, saddened and…

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This Chilling PSA Will Be The First To Ever Address Domestic Violence During The Super Bowl


 Screenshot 2015-01-29 22.09.57

This Sunday, for the first time ever, the National Football League will run a PSA during the Super Bowl that directly addresses the country’s domestic violence and sexual assault crises.

The PSA was created by the advertising firm Grey New York for the NFL and No More, a five-year-old coalition of groups dedicated to fighting domestic violence and sexual assault. No More teamed up with the NFL to create football-focused PSAs after a number of the league’s players became embroiled in child or domestic abuse-related scandals.

A 30-second version of the PSA will air during the first quarter of the game on Sunday, Feb. 1, 2015. But an extended version, which you can view above, has already been released.

In the PSA, a woman calls 911 but pretends to order a pizza so that her abuser is not aware of what she is doing…

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